Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance under OGSHIA will be carried through:

  • Assessment to ascertain that healthcare professionals are with relevant academic/professional degrees, registered with relevant regulatory bodies and possess current practicing licenses
  • Ensure registration of facilities with relevant State authorities
  • Provision of evidence of registration with CAC for private providers or official gazette for government owned health institutions
  • Conduction of a baseline facility assessment to ascertain that the facility meets the minimum standard required to offer healthcare services under the scheme. Based on the assessment, facilities will be placed on level ranging from 1-4 and each facility can see their level rise or fall as a result of how well they perform over specific periods.
  • The accreditation of healthcare providers that meet minimum standard before they can participate in the insurance scheme
  • Placing healthcare facilities that met minimum standard on a quality improvement plan (QIP) in other to help the facility prioritize areas where improvement efforts should be channeled. Also, this will help facilitate their progression in terms of quality improvement from their entry level to a higher one.
  • Revalidation of each accredited provider every 2 years
  • Periodic visit of the quality assurance team from OGSHIA and supporting partners to assess how well the facility has been complying with their QIP. And whenever the need arises, offer technical support in areas where the facility personnel are having challenges in implementing.
  • Establishment of a 2-way feedback system with the enrollees by having complaints lines visibly displayed in the facility. And the provision of a complaints box for the enrollees at each facility.